Natural Systems Solutions

Reconnecting with Nature
for Sustainable Lifestyles, Organizations, and Communities


"We have been too kind to those who are destroying the planet. We have been inexcusably, unforgivably, insanely kind." 
Derrick Jensen

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Transition Industries

   The overall concept behind Transition Industries is to serve as an example and demonstration model of ways to create small-scale light manufacturing and other "industrial" type endeavors at the neighborhood level without continuing support for Industrialism or growth for the sake of growth. This can become a first step for communities to strengthen local economies, build healthy relationships, provide means of right livelihood, build skills and rekindle pride in craftsmanship, and create some of the necessary resiliency for rapidly changing times.

   The solar ovens tend to work best in the American Southwest desert, but the bike trailers will be a much needed item anywhere since Peak Oil has occurred and petrocollapse is close behind. The idea is to create items that meet people's needs, adhere to the definition of sustainability, and either use less energy or contribute to a higher quality of life that doesn't require manufactured energy. We'll provide complete plans and training, and use as much recycled and used material as possible in the production.

It's time to learn new skills (and relearn some that are quickly disappearing) for a new economy -- and door-greeter at a big-box, hamburger flipper for the harried, insurance sales, banker, and Pentagon planner aren't among them.

   Our initial products are:

Bike Trailers

Solar Ovens

   If you would like to schedule an introductory consultation session or arrange a presentation or workshop for your group, please contact or give Dave or Allison, co-founders of Attraction Retreat and Natural Systems Solutions, a call at (520) 887-2502.


"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."
Charles Darwin


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